GSB Agenda
November 5, 1997
Iowa State Daily
The Government of the Student Body will meet tonight at 7 in the Pioneer Room of the Memorial Union. The following bills will be discussed:
Seating bills
- A bill seating a graduate college senator. By Wisher and Little.
- A bill seating an election commission. By Little, Crawford and others.
- A bill seating a new Supreme Court associate justice. By Johnson, Nickell and others.
Old business
- A bill for purchase of capital equipment for Student Environment Committee. By Studenski and Erickson.
- A bill requesting funding for Bacchus and Gamma National Conference. By Craft and Demmer.
- A bill to replace Veishea computers. By Dummermuth and Hamilton.
- A bill requesting funding for the Big 12 Student Government Association Trip.
- A bill requesting funding for the Omega Psi Phi Miss Purple and Gold Pageant. By Blackburn, Johnson and others.
New business
- A bill for campus recycling. By Craft, Demmer and others.
- A bill for Alpha Phi Omega, serving the community. By Wisher and Little.
- A bill to help the election commissioner do his job. By Wisher.