A football game fiasco

Kevin Maak

I have a couple of short comments about the Saturday, Oct. 24 fiasco at Jack Trice Stadium and the events following.

Goalposts are for tearing down during post-game celebrations.

Injury is possible during this time. If you don’t want to get injured, don’t participate.

It is not any DPS officer’s responsibility to keep folks from getting into hazardous situations — especially if they’re going to single out individuals and beat them up on the field.

If it were OK to blindly “protect” people from hazardous situations, then folks should get arrested for driving because “you could get hurt!” It’s notably ludicrous.

Street signs and other items are not for tearing down. This has always been the case and it is OK for DPS to enforce these long-standing laws. Throw the book at the losers who mindlessly vandalize cars, street signs, etc.

As for the cost of goalposts, somebody is making a lot of profit if it costs “several thousand dollars” to replace one. If I had a business working with thin-walled tubing, I’d be happy to donate one set for each game. But don’t ask me, ask around. I think there are better deals available.

Kevin Maak

ISU alumnus

Class of 1990