Professor’s art displayed at the Union

Vicki Larsen

Some recent work of Iowa State art and design professor and artist John L. Weinkein was featured in an exhibition of mixed media in the Gallery of the Memorial Union this past weekend.

“The inspiration for much of my imagery over the past 25 years has come from a range of Native American sources, especially through researching actual objects in museum collections,” Weinkein said.

“Within the last few years this influence has become more diffused, including sources from non-western European cultures, Australian, Asian, African and my own ethnic heritage,” he said.

Focal points in many of Weinkein’s works are spiritual communication and connection.

“As a visual artist, I consider all of these works functional, and they are my means of personal enactment to visibly link and affirm spiritual power in my life,” Weinkein said.

Another exhibition is being held in the Pioneer Room of the Memorial Union through Nov. 3 and has been on display since Sept. 22.

This exhibition features photography of Northern India by Bryon Bonning, ISU associate professor of entomology.

Entitled “In High Places,” the exhibition illustrates the daily lives and religious festivals of communities within the scenic terrain of the Himalayas.

Bonning is a resident of Ames but is originally from Derbyshire, England.

Bonning’s exhibition is being held in observance of Women’s Week [Oct. 10-12] and International Week [Nov. 1-8] at ISU.