Not evil, but labeled a racist

Christian Reynolds

I am known by the print of this newspaper to be a sexist homophobic male because last year I wrote in support of the traditional concept of marriage.

I am discriminatory because I choose the friends I wish to hang out with in my spare time.

I am immature because until recently, I could not post articles on the door of my dorm room. I am insensitive because I am a white male, responsible for slavery, even though I was not alive when it was legal.

Reading Wednesday’s Iowa State “Tabloid,” I am now a racist.

I do not support The September 29th Movement, nor the initiatives Allan Nosworthy demanded upon President Jischke.

Allan remains a terrorist; he trivialized the explosive situation while flaming the fires.

Along with a significant population of students who did not show up at the rallies, I tire of the constant disruption of campus life.

You people need something new to bitch about. May I suggest student parking on campus? Student support might come out for that one.

Granted, we are all entitled to our individual opinions. The September 29th folks are clear: we want money, we want our way and we will raise hell until we get our money.

Also, we have a big shiny list of things that demand implementation, or we may burn down the campanile in protest.

If implemented, this money will come from other students like me who work damn hard to stay enrolled via student fees.

I ask a few humble things. Realize that your movement lost credibility when Nosworthy threw in the towel.

Hunger strikes generate publicity, but are rarely successful. Realize you are jumping on a bandwagon that lost its tires in the mud two years ago — the Movement is dead.

Realize that most of the student body, by not participating in your disruptions, doesn’t care about the situation.

Realize you are trying to start a fire with wet wood and broken matches.

Finally, I ask that you understand that people like me are not evil. I like people, and work with them all the time, regardless of color, sex or style of music.

I admire the administration for maintaining diversity on our campus.

By maintaining the name on the building, we are forced to honor real human beings, not just the perfect people in life.

Catt had her glory and her faults, and we must remember her for both.

Christian Reynolds
