Shovels and snowblowers popular items after season’s first snowfall

Catherine Conover

The snowstorm in Ames this past weekend definitely had an impact on local stores, with some recording an increase in sales and others reporting a decrease.

But local stores were in unison about the increase in demand for winter equipment over the weekend. The snowstorm may have caught many Ames’ residents by surprise, but many stores moved winter equipment to the front in preparation.

Josh Hayler, manager of Wal-Mart, 3015 Grand Ave., said the store saw a definite increase in sales. He said warm clothing, gloves, hats and snow shovels were in high demand.

Hayler said Wal-Mart was prepared for the storm last weekend and usually orders ahead when a snowstorm is likely.

Carr True Value Hardware, 306 Main St., also noticed an increase in sales of winter items.

“Overall traffic was down, but the people that were out there were looking for snow shovels,” said Randy Kettleson, manager of True Value.

He said True Value was prepared for the storm and had snowblowers, ice melters and shovels in stock.

Target, 620 Lincoln Way, also reported an increase in sales of winter gear.

“There were lots of people coming in for snow shovels, ice melts and ice scrapers early in the morning, but otherwise it was a normal day,” said Brian Schlepp, manager of Target.

While snow equipment seemed to be in high demand, Cub Foods, 3121 Grand Ave., reported a decrease in sales.

Jim Lehman, store manager of Hy-Vee, 3800 Lincoln Way, said anytime there’s a snowstorm, the store gets a rush of customers.

He said there was also a demand for snow shovels, ice melt and other snow equipment at their store.

“We were set to go,” Lehman said. “It was just a matter of getting the snow equipment set out.”

Lehman said people stocked up on basic food items also.