A chance to help

Editorial Board

The controversial Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan will be appearing in Des Moines this Sunday.

A spokesperson for the group says the purpose of Farrakhan’s trip is to ” … heal divisions in the black community and the entire community.”

Indeed, there have been racial problems in Des Moines the past few months. From the shooting of a black suspect by a policeman to heightened tensions in the inner city, the capitol is in need of some healing.

We need to ask ourselves if Farrakhan can be that healer. If his intentions are good, then we should listen and take heed to what he has to say.

If, however, he reverts to his infamous brand of lecture, maybe we should look elsewhere for help.

The minister has, in the past, repeatedly made many prejudicial comments toward whites, Asians and Jews. Some of these statements have even bordered on racism.

In a city with the problems Des Moines has, such insults could only inflame the public.

To anger the public in such a way would not only be unproductive, but counterproductive.

Farrakhan has an opportunity to do as his spokesman says he will do. He could use this as a chance to once again exploit his brethren for his own benefit.

Or, he could use this as a springboard to calm the tensions gripping the city.

He could bring the entire city, not just the black population, together.

The question is: which Louis Farrakhan will come to Des Moines this Sunday?

We hope it will be a productive and healing Farrakhan.