Students make noise with weekly Jam Session

Kevin Sullivan

There has been a lot of noise coming out of the Cornerstone Post Office in Richardson Court the past three Thursday nights.

It’s not exactly the usual student ruckus — it’s the weekly Jam Session, the brainchild of Andy Morch, a senior in psychology.

“We just wanted to give the musicians [at Iowa State] somewhere they can play,” he said.

And play they have — in all sorts of styles, with instruments of all types.

Aside from the usual guitarists and bassists, students have been bringing their trumpets, ukuleles, and recorders, Morch said.

Organizers have been hoping to add drummers and vocalists to round out the jam session.

“Some guys on our floor play drums,” said Jason Mueller, a session regular, “but they weren’t able to make it the past couple of weeks.”

The first week prompted a large turnout of both musicians and on-lookers, most of whom stopped by to see what all the noise was about.

“Quite a few people came by the first week,” Morch said, “but then we had a serious drop the second week.”

“A lot of the guys had to work that day,” Mueller added.

Needless to say, they’re hoping for a much larger group.

“Every week people come and hang out,” Morch said, “[but] we’re trying to get more people to come down.”

Also in the plans is to get funding from the RCA government, hopefully to provide coffee and snacks to both the musicians and the audience.

The size of Cornerstone has yet to be a problem, Morch said.

“So far, it’s been big enough,” he said.

If anyone is interested in participating, but specializes in only one type of music, that’s nothing to worry about either.

All instruments and styles are welcome, Mueller said.

“We try to set up the session into different sections,” he said. “One section will be blues, another section will be heavy metal.”

“Right now, we’ve had it three times,” Morch added, “so it’s still in its Genesis phase.”

Those interested can head down to Cornerstone in Roberts Hall with their instruments of choice tonight at 8 p.m. The session will run until 11 p.m.

But, as the flyers posted near the Cornerstone warn, be sure to “leave your ego at home.”