
David Hibbs

This past weekend I was at home when there came a knock at my door. Curious, I went to see who it was. I opened the door and greeted a pair of students who proceeded to try to sell me some magazines as part of a sales contest. Because I’d heard the same sales pitch twice before, I told them I wasn’t interested and attempted to politely shoo them away.

They weren’t about to go quietly, however, and as I started to push the door shut, the girl remarked pointedly, “There’s no need to be rude … I mean, just ’cause you’re gay …”

Hold it, right there.

I quickly reopened the door and challenged her. “What difference does it make if I’m gay?”

She stared at me blankly for a moment, and then replied slowly, “Well, ’cause that’s how AIDS is spread.”

I proceeded to attempt an explanation of how AIDS can be transmitted. They both stared at me blankly. Either they thought I was an idiot, or they simply had no reasonable response.

Regardless of their reasons, it is important that everyone be aware of the facts. So for the time being, set aside your views on Christianity, sexuality and sin. Regardless of your religious and moral beliefs, you can understand and protect yourself from this deadly virus.

AIDS can be spread several ways. It can be spread through any unprotected sex, sharing of needles or exchange of bodily fluids. Kissing typically does not spread it. AIDS is not a disease that strikes only gays, only lesbians or only straight people. It is a killer, blind to race, religion, culture or sexual orientation.

Don’t hate people out of ignorance, like the magazine pushers. It didn’t matter that I wasn’t really gay — what bothered them was that I challenged their conceptions. I scared them with what I said. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to ask someone at the Student Health Center for more information or search for it on Web sites like the Center for Disease Control.

David Hibbs


Aerospace Engineering