ISU hockey sweeps up ice over weekend

Amanda Fier

This weekend, the Cyclone hockey team proved their puck is unstoppable by improving its spotless record to 6-0.

In front of enthusiastic hockey supporters who filled the stands and lined the glass, Iowa State defeated the North Dakota State Bisons 8-1 Friday and 8-4 Saturday.

Expecting more challenging competition in the Friday night match, the Cyclones came onto the ice set to skate and set the pace at a level beyond the Bison’s reach.

For the first two periods, the only thing on the scoreboard representing the Bison team was NDSU and the number zero. ISU totaled six goals in the first two periods of rough play.

The Bison herd returned in the third period with a tougher mentality, only allowing two Cyclone pucks into their net. NDSU surprised ISU and slipped the puck past the Cyclone defense and goalie Rob Howitt for their lone goal of the game.

ISU Coach Al Murdoch said he believed the Bison team suffered from the long trip to Ames and he thought the skaters had “bus legs,” which proved to be an advantage for ISU.

“[Our] players’ chemistry is coming along real good; it’s flowing real well. We’re starting to look like a team that’s on a mission,” Murdoch said.

Murdoch said he was pleased with goalie Rob Howitt and the ISU defense. He also said early fore-checking and overall good balance gave the team its edge. The team took advantage of several power plays and even scored a short-handed goal.

ISU’s Brian Wierson said he felt good about the team’s short-handed goal because they “always help take down the moral of the [opposing] team.”

Wierson, who chipped in one goal, said one of the keys to the team’s success was strong offense.

“I think we did a good job crashing the net,” he said. “We were quick to the puck.”

Other Cyclone players who contributed to the Friday score were Terry Conlin, Rusty Crawford, Mike Ogbourne and Nick Krueger.

On Saturday night, competition between ISU and NDSU increased, as did the number of fans in the arena for Parents’ Night.

The Bison kicked their bus legs and showed they could contend for the victory.

In the first period, NDSU answered the first three Cyclone goals in the first period with two of their own, already outscoring their total in first match-up. Despite improved NDSU play, the Cyclone puck chasers left the rink with another impressive win.

By the end of the second period, Cyclone game star Mike Ogbourne owned a hat trick, and at the end of the third he totaled four goals for the game.

Murdoch, who expected to see better play from NDSU, was equally pleased with the Cyclones’ Saturday night success, especially that of Ogbourne.

He said Ogbourne was consistent in getting the puck and shot with quick release. Murdoch described Ogbourne’s goals as “lightning fast.”

Ogbourne said he felt really good about the game and his play. He said, “the puck seemed to bounce my way.”

And he knew what to do when it did. Ogbourne said he would not take the credit for the goals. Scores are what happen when the whole line comes together, he said.

Ogbourne said the team was really hustling, had better timing and showed improved shooting skills. He also commended the goaltending by Howitt on Friday and Nick Makris and Mike Grammatickos on Saturday.

The remaining Saturday goal scorers included Wierson, Chris Poli, Jason Vega and Darren Anderson.

Murdoch said it was a good series for the ISU team and despite dominating NDSU, he still expects to see the Bison in the nation’s top 10.

Leaving the fans that ISU’s Wierson described as “unbelievable and the best in the league,” the Cyclones roadtrip to play Kent State and Ohio University, who is the reigning national championship team.

The following weekend, the team returns to Cyclone country to take on Ferris State on Oct. 24 and 25.