Silly and insignificant

Travis J. Muff

Now that two years of bitching and whining have gotten the September 29th Movement nowhere, they, like small children whose parents have told them “no,” have resorted to pouting, name calling and refusing to eat their dinner.

They need to understand that most students and alumni do not agree with them. This is not because of the ever present “evil white” conspiracy.

Instead, many do not believe that a few questionable statements negate a lifetime of positive achievements. And after reading the brilliant letter from Ms. Hanson, Ms. Haselhoff, Ms. Hale and Ms. Foster there is no doubt in my mind that the entire movement is a sham.

Also, the name of one building on campus doesn’t have much or any effect on the lives of most students; they just don’t care.

As for Allan Nosworthy’s demands, sorry, requests, why didn’t he just ask for the title to the land Catt Hall sits on?

Does Mr. Nosworthy really expect to get all of his demands because he is doing something stupid or because is he bluffing to get a compromise? It seems like a silly and insignificant issue to attempt martyrdom for.

Lastly, I encourage Dr. Jischke to continue to ignore the Movement. If he doesn’t, I would like to get an early start on my campaign to change the name of Beardshear Hall back to Central Hall because of President Beardshear’s anti-greek policies.

Travis J. Muff

