A conservative view

Denis Bland

As an Iowa State graduate, I frequently read the Daily on the Internet to find out what’s going on in Ames.

Often times I get a chuckle out of the nonsense that’s happening on campus. Sometimes, however, I’m not amused. Such is the case this week.

So, to borrow a phrase from a former Des Moines Register columnist, here’s a little bit about a lot of things:

What’s up with National Coming Out Week at ISU? Isn’t it enough that Ellen “Degenerate” and her cohorts at the networks and the national media are constantly in our faces?

So who needs an entire week on a college campus to “celebrate” sexual sin and its physically, psychologically destructive behavior? What’s next? National Falling Down Drunk Day for alcoholics? Or Needles Night for drug addicts?

I was also glad to read (“Rally kicks off” on Oct. 8) that, in addition to being a psychology intern student counselor, Judd Harbin is a spokesman for God. I’ve got news for you, Judd.

God’s not only your witness, but your judge as well.

And I don’t think he’s thrilled that you’re telling people that being gay or lesbian isn’t a sin (you can check that out in God’s word, the Bible).

As for your assertion that the church “supports” homosexual “rights” in giving its approval to parents to love their homosexual children, you’re wrong again.

Yes, most Bible-believing churches teach us to love the sinner … but also to hate the sin (Sorry if that gets you a little agitated, Meron Wondwosen. I’m simply following your advice.).

And Naomi Bremer, I agree that women are capable of making their own decisions (I know, I live with four of them).

But you’re seriously misinterpreting Tony Evans and the purpose of the Promise Keepers movement (re: your letter to the editor, “Extremist promises,” Oct. 8 Daily).

Evans’ challenge for men to “take back” the leadership role in their families has nothing to do with dominating women, but everything to do with their God-given responsibility.

God commands man to be the head of his household, just as Christ is the head of the church (a relationship to die for, so to speak).

Unfortunately, many men have abdicated or abandoned that role, contributing to the breakup of families. The Promise Keepers movement is an attempt to fix what’s wrong and stop a sinking ship. As for Ms. Bremer’s labeling Bill McCartney as a radical conservative extremist, get real.

That he was attacked by the American Liberal Civil Liberties Union doesn’t prove that he’s radical or an extremist.

It simply means he’s conservative.

Denis Bland
