A limited world view

R.F. Heynis

I would like to respond to Ted Wlazlowski’s letter (“Unnatural Disorder,” Oct. 16). Mr. Wlazlowski, you make a strong case against the acceptance of your gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender neighbors.

But your arguments are based solely on biblical evidence. The fact you live your life according to the dictates of a centuries-old, quasi-historical document is all well and good for you. But please be aware not everyone does so.

Believe it or not, Christianity is not the only religion on this planet, and though millions may follow, sheep-like, the teaching of its Shepherd, millions of others follow different paths.

Some of those paths condemn homosexuality, and some, like my own, do not. So when you back up your intolerance with evidence from your Bible, be aware there are going to be some people who laugh it off as puerile.

I mean, how would you respond to, “The gods demand a blood sacrifice: it says so in the Iliad?”

And hey, I defy you to find one shred of evidence in your precious Bible which states your Savior condemned homosexuality.

You are certainly welcome to hold and express your opinions, based on anything you wish. Just realize your opinions are not going to be shared by everyone around you.

I think the real unnatural disorder here is you attempting to shove your own limited world view down the throats of the rest of us.

R.F. Heynis

Graduate student
