Something to always remember

Jason Potkanski

I’d like to first congratulate Iowa State football for breaking a 10-game losing streak. The rowdy celebration that followed is something I would like to comment on.

First of all, it’s not right to take down goal posts and destroy property; however, the DPS and Ames police shouldn’t have been using choke holds and trashing people like such.

I don’t feel good officers should lose their badges for at least making a futile attempt at salvation, but even when our own football team is inciting the crowd to riot, there’s not much you can do but make examples out of a few people and give easy fines.

I think on behalf of all of ISU students, I apologize for the postgame activities, such as the goal posts, stop signs, lamppost, broken bottles, CyRide signs, speed limit signs and any other junk they can dredge up.

In return, I wish the Ames police and DPS to apologize for their treatment. Doing your job is one thing, but the degree in which you did it is in question.

As for the activities mentioned, I would like to inform the student body that by our activities, we may have put someone in the hospital.

As an eyewitness on the field, when the goal posts came down, I saw one person get crowned directly on the head and another person seemed to have been injured as well.

As the crowd ran for a while to the lake, we did hit a van with the goal posts. I don’t know if any damage was caused, but it seemed to hit the luggage rack on the roof. Cars the goal post went over were unharmed, and congratulations to all of us for that.

As far as other objects in the goal post’s path (barricades, stop signs, light posts, etc.,), these were scooped up and came with the charged crowd heading for the lake.

While on the way (this is the part that disappoints me most) students, at least 5,000 strong, were cheering “Fuck dry Veishea!”

There was even enough anger in the crowd to try and take the goal posts through the Knoll.

But this shows some self-control demonstrated by the group “in control” of the goal posts — men of a certain fraternity on Welch Avenue.

With these guys at the front, the goal post “crew” went straight for its destination, the lake.

Also, for the woman who decided to take a ride on the goal posts, I’d like to say it was pretty cool that you did not take the bra off. Who knows what could have happened after that.

Even in our disorderly conduct, ISU students still have the brains, unlike other colleges, to keep our riots peaceable.

I hope Veishea turns out to be as Homecoming’s “safe rioting.” However, considering the resentment in the crowd, I think we are seriously kidding ourselves.

I think even though the postgame celebration was seriously wrong, here’s some points I’d like to make. It brought out a ton of school spirit.

In one fell swoop, it brought out a preview of Veishea. And the event will be firmly remembered until I die. As a side note, I would like to compile a list of police brutality.

Jason Potkanski


Computer science