For Your Information

Daily Staff Writer

Bike ride today

A “Critical Mass” bike ride will be held today at 5 p.m. All interested riders should meet near the Campanile for an easy one-hour ride around Ames.

Critical Mass started in San Francisco in 1992 with 45 riders. This year they have had more than 4,000 bicyclists participating in rides in Seattle, Wash.; Portland, Ore.; Boston; Ithaca, N.Y.; and Iowa City. Their events have also been held in Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom.

The basic principles of Critical Mass are awareness of alternative

transportation, solidarity in the biking community and bicyclists’ rights.

All bikers who attend should bring a helmet.

Summer interns needed

College students interested in public affairs are now being recruited for a 10-week summer-internship program coordinated by Coro Kansas City.

During the internship experience, students will rotate through field placements in government, business, labor, media and non-profit agencies in Kansas City.

They will also take part in group projects, presentations, interviews and simulations to enhance their leadership and team-building skills.

Interns receive a $1500 stipend, and many colleges award credit for completion of the program.

To request an application for the Coro Kansas City Internship in Public Affairs, call Executive Director Karen Stubbs at (816) 931-0751. Application deadline for the 1998 summer program is November 21.

WOI sets record

WOI Radio set a new fund-raising record last week when totals for their Festival Week fall drive topped $200,000.

WOI raised $221,420 for the station and public radio in Iowa, bettering its previous record of $208,000. The drive ran from Friday, Oct. 17 to Friday, Oct. 24.

The station’s membership coordinator, Carol Lamb, said the helpful donations came from all over the community, and one boy even brought in his allowance.

WOI set up 10 phones, and 250 volunteers answered over 2,000 calls.

Lamb said the donations will be used to cover the costs of WOI’s daily operations and programming.

Diabetes Month

November is National Diabetes Awareness Month, and Iowa State’s Student Health Center will be conducting free diabetes screenings weekdays from Nov. 3 until Nov. 21.

Hours for the screenings are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in room 2015 of the Wellness Center in the new student-health building.

The screenings are “pen-and-pencil” self-surveys that measure various risk factors for diabetes.

If these preliminary tests indicate a level of risk, more free tests will be offered to the patient.

All screenings are available only to ISU students.