Spreading truth

Joy Sandhagen

In response to Carmen Cerra’s column in the Oct. 20 Daily, I would like to inform him why Christians do not slaughter bulls for their sins.

Before God sent his son, Jesus Christ, sinners were expected to offer a symbolic sacrifice to acknowledge to God that they (the Israelites) had sinned.

This sacrifice in no way took away the sin. It was a way to acknowledge sin and show God their repentance. God then sent Jesus Christ to Earth for our sinful ways.

Jesus was crucified on the cross for our sins. Christ was the one-time sacrifice for our sins. Therefore, because I have accepted Christ as my savior, I do not need to slaughter bulls. Christ was my one-time sacrifice.

I would also like to comment on Christians imposing their beliefs on others. I in no way push my beliefs on others.

As a Christian, I am commanded by my Father (God), to share my faith.

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you …” Matthew 28:19-20 (New Revised Standard Version).

I will never force anyone to listen to what I say because I have no control over who does and does not listen or read this letter. But I also do not want non-believers to live eternity in hell. So, yes I will continue to tell others about Jesus Christ and let non-believers know how they can have a personal relationship with God.

I also have never and will never threaten anyone with hell. I share with non-believers what God promises those who believe in Him. One of those promises is eternal life.

As a Christian, I want everyone to experience eternal life and not be separated from God. Hell is not a threat, it is the truth about what will happen to those who do not accept Jesus as their Savior.

You also stated, Carmen, that you went to a church where the minister “didn’t dictate God’s laws and he let all members be Christians on their own accord.”

I do not know what church you went to, but I have never been to a church that did not speak about God’s laws during the sermon. Christian churches should be preaching from the Bible because this is where all God’s laws are located.

Christians also do not quote the Bible for our own morals and needs. The Bible has in it the laws we live by. God commands all who believe to live by these laws.

Christians want everyone who chooses to hear about God and experience His wonderful life.

So until Jesus comes back to reclaim His kingdom, we Christians will be out there spreading the truth.

Joy Sandhagen


Early childhood education