A goal post in Lake LaVerne?

Editorial Board

Some call it destruction and trespassing, but Iowa State students call it an expression of school spirit when a goal post comes down after a Cyclone victory.

Throwing ISU enthusiasts to the ground and arresting them for trespassing and vandalism seems a tad bit ridiculous.

At Saturday’s game, 12 football fans were arrested by overly-excited members of the Ames Police Department, the Department of Public Safety and even the guys from the Iowa State Patrol.

Instead of singling out a dozen unfortunate spectators, the security team who was supposedly guarding our goal posts should have realized this might happen if ISU won.

As law enforcers, they can’t be expected to sit back and watch as herds of people stampede the field, but maybe the focus should be on protecting the people who are getting hurt by the crowd.

Sure, tearing down a goal post is destruction of property, but come on, we won — finally.

This win has been 13 games in the making and can we blame loyal Cyclone fans for reacting a little too overzealous?

Some may blame the foreign objects floating in Lake LaVerne after Saturday’s win against Baylor as the actions of drunken students. But let’s get serious, the weekend antics of ISU fans were not due entirely to alcohol. It was due to loyal, excited and somewhat crazy supporters of our team.

We’re not saying it’s the most intelligent way to celebrate a victory, but we all knew it was bound to happen again.

The university just as well wise up and invest in some break-away goal posts.

At least then the safety of these dedicated fans will be protected.

It’s wrong to destroy property. But at least we won. Way to go Cyclones!