Residence halls get involved

Amy Hillman

A Care Bear surrounded by pamphlets of alcohol abuse statistics was the bulletin board idea which earned Henderson House in Friley Hall to a victory in the alcohol awareness bulletin board contest last weekend.

This week is National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week, (NCAAW) and the theme is “Celebrate With Care.”

In honor of the week, Iowa State’s residence halls decided to give students a chance to get involved by holding a bulletin board contest.

The contest involved 20 entries from Richardson Court Association and 13 from Union Drive Association.

There were no entries from houses in Towers Residence Association.

Becky Blum, resident assistant of Henderson House, said a group of 5 to 10 girls helped decorate the winning bulletin board.

Blum said she thinks the Care Bear makes the bulletin board noticeable.

“It helps catch [people’s] attention, and then they tend to read the rest of the information surrounding it,” Blum said.

A taped outline of a body with beer cans and bottles surrounding it won Friant House of Maple Hall second place in the contest.

The outline had yellow caution tape above it with an anonymously written poem entitled, “Don’t Drive If You Must Drink.”

Deana Wisnieski, a resident of Friant House, created the display. She said many people asked about it and said it “was really neat.”

Wisnieski said it was easy for her to make the display because she doesn’t drink.

“It’s not as easy for others to look at it, ’cause they might not care, but it’s people like me that do,” she said.

“This attitude is bad because they’re the ones who need to look at it and see what could happen,” she said.

The contest was coordinated by Shatanese Western-Stephens, North Helser hall director; Kristen Alley, Linden hall director and Kim Araya, Maple hall director.

Araya said ISU’s alcohol problem isn’t necessarily worse than the problems other universities face. “However, I feel we’re a little more publicized, at least right now, in the media,” she said.

“I think this is a good way to publicize our campus in a positive way and raise alcohol awareness,” Araya said.

Houses participating in the bulletin board contest could design their boards anyway they wanted to, Araya said.

Judging was based on creativity, use of the theme, artistic quality and educational value.

The bulletin boards were judged in two rounds.

Winners from the first round of judging were picked from both RCA and UDA.

Melanie Philips, representative of NCAAW, chose the winner from RCA.

In the second round, the final winner from both RCA and UDA was chosen.

The second round of judging was done by Dave Haden, Student Activities Specialist, Jenny Arthur, associate director for Department of Residence and Doug Gruenewald, program coordinator for Department of Residence.

The prize for first place included a house pizza party with a movie and soda.

The second-place prize was a house party with popcorn and pop.

All other participants will be awarded a certificate for their efforts, which will be presented by Haden at a later date.