The truth

Brad Vander Waal

The truth is I’m not a very good writer. The truth is this is my first time writing into the Daily.

The truth is that I try to love everyone.

There is no one I hate. I would like to share with you the ultimate truth. Some will say that it’s my opinion, but I know it’s true, and one reason I know this is because it has been proven.

Let’s pretend that someone died today and people saw him die. He was even stabbed to make sure he was dead.

Let’s say we buried him in a cave. Then in a couple of days, some people who knew him saw him alive. You say, well, they could just have made it up and stole the body.

The interesting thing is some of these people died because they said that this person rose from the dead. Would you die for a lie?

Not only did this person’s friends see him alive but hundreds of other witnesses saw him alive also.

Not only that, but some people wrote it down, relatively soon afterwards, that he rose and people believed it.

Now, to me, this story would be considered a fact if it happened today.

So why, just because it actually happened to Jesus, do people consider it false?

Since the Resurrection did actually happen, it would be logical to believe that the Bible is true history and that Jesus is God.

Since Jesus is God, when he tells us not to commit adultery, we’d better listen.

Adultery would be any sex outside of marriage. Matthew 19:4-5 says “and [Jesus] answered and said to them, ‘Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female,’and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’?”

These verses tell me marriage is between a male and a female and that I should remember adultery is sex outside of marriage; therefore, homosexual activity is wrong according to God.

One more thing I’d like to clear up is that if all men treated their wives like the Promise Keepers promise to, the women would be loved and served.

Women would have it great!

I hope you find the ultimate truth that I’ve found.

Brad Vander Waal


Management/religious studies