ISU students to speak on CNN’s ‘Talk Back Live’

Jim Mcquillen

Eight students from the Iowa State Honors Program are heading to Atlanta this weekend to attend the annual National Collegiate Honors Council Conference and a broadcast of CNN’s “Talk Back Live.”

Students from 15 other universities will join the ISU students to learn exploration and observation techniques to help them with their futures, said Bernice Braid, coordinator for the conference and a professor at Long Island University.

Liz Beck, director of the ISU Honors Program, said ISU was chosen to participate because of the diversity in majors of the members.

Braid said the students will experience a structured exploration of Atlanta, called “City Is Text.”

The students will choose a destination in the city they desire to learn more about and then return to the conference to report on their experiences to a panel of Atlanta experts.

These experts will assist them in improving their exploration techniques and correct any misconceptions about the city of Atlanta.

“ISU has always been extremely good about sending students who are not only gifted and careful, and have good eyes and ears and minds, but who are very energetic and really throw themselves into this. They do a very good job,” Braid said.

In addition to the conference, there will be a seminar at the CNN studio.

Students will learn the steps of producing and airing a show.

Jennifer Schaffer, a junior double majoring in journalism and mass communication and political science, attended the conference last fall in New York City.

Schaffer said she is excited to see friends she made at last year’s conference and to share honors program ideas with other universities.

This will be the third conference attended by Anne Campbell, a junior in history.

Campbell said the opportunity for students to compare and contrast their respective honors programs and see what improvements can be made is the best part of the trip.

Campbell said the “City Is Text” activity gives students a chance to meet the people and learn the culture of different regions throughout the United States.

One year, she said she met Andy Warhol’s brother while participating in the activity.

The topic or theme of Friday’s “Talk Back Live” is not yet known, although the broadcast will include a “Talk Back Extra” with author Anne Rice. Students will get a chance to ask the author questions during her interview from a studio in New York.

Students will meet Thursday afternoon for a group discussion and attend CNN’s “Talk Back Live” on Friday.

The “City Is Text” activity will be held Saturday afternoon, followed by a reception and dinner.