
Tim Thomas

I am truly sorry for misinterpreting your column about your visit to the doctor for your son. Quoting your September 18th column this is what you wrote, unless there was a misprint.

“Eric is doing really well. The radioactive cocktail the doctors force-fed him showed his formula was not leaking into his lungs.”

I must be so illiterate that I can’t understand what being force-fed something means.

If you did not mean it to sound the way I — and the 50 to 75 people I talked to about your column — thought it sounded, maybe you should chose your words a little more carefully. If you were misprinted, please let us know so everyone can change their opinion of you as having a real poor memory.

As to laughing at people for disputing your columns, now everyone can sit back and laugh at you for misquoting yourself.

One more thing, please write to the Daily and tell us all what job you get when you graduate and identify what your salary is. Then we can all join in with a good laugh at your expense again.

Tim Thomas

ISU Alumnus

Class of 1995