ISU is a tradition for Family of the Year

Cheryl Tollenaere

“Find a good thing and stick with it” seems to be a good motto for this year’s Family of the Year.

The Pellett family, this year’s award recipient, can boast all six members of their immediate family have graduated or are planning to graduate from Iowa State.

However, Theresa Uchytil, chairwoman of the Parent Family Weekend Committee, said they were not aiming to choose a family based on whether all the family members had attended ISU, but instead were interested in a family that was “very well-rounded and involved [with each other].”

Beth Pellett, a fifth-year senior in public relations, said this definitely describes her family, “We are really close-knit,” she said.

The Pellett family includes Jim Pellett, a 1963 ISU graduate, Nancy Pellett, a 1966 ISU graduate and their children: Beth Pellett, Mike Pellet, a junior in astronomy, Brad Pellett, a 1990 ISU graduate and Marci Loder, a 1992 ISU graduate.

Jim Pellett, who majored in agriculture while attending ISU, is currently a farmer in Atlantic. While attending ISU, he was a member of Kappa Sigma.

Being greek is another trait of the Pellett family. All six family members are or were involved in the greek system.

Nancy Pellett, who is involved in “everything,” as Beth Pellett put it, is a member of several organizations including the state Board of Regents, of which she is a member, and she helps out with the family farm.

While Nancy Pellett was attending ISU, she was a member of Gamma Phi sorority — the same sorority Beth Pellett belongs to.

Brad Pellett was a member of the TKE fraternity. Mike Pellett followed in his brother’s footsteps and also is a member of the TKE house. Marci Loder was a member of Delta Delta Delta.

Beth and Mike Pellett nominated their family for this award and, after a review by the Parent Family Weekend Committee, were chosen to be among the five final families who were to be interviewed for the award.

The five-member committee interviewed the Pellett family, asking such questions as, “What significant impact has your family made at ISU?” and “What is one unique thing about your family?”

Uchytil said the committee was looking for a family who has traditions that involved ISU, a good family support system and has been involved with ISU activities, among other qualifications.

Beth Pellet said she thought her family was qualified for the award for many reasons.

One unique thing about their family was that both of her grandfathers also attended ISU.

She said her family is so involved with ISU they “speak their own Iowa State language — one that we all understand.” She said she thinks the university is part of their heritage.

ISU athletics also have played a big role in the family’s lives.

Beth Pellett said for as long as she can remember her family has traveled to Ames to go to sporting events.

“The rule was that we had to be in kindergarten before they would buy us tickets.”

She said the family rule created a little bit of jealousy between her siblings.

Beth Pellett said some of her favorite memories as a family have been coming up to the football games and tailgating together.

The Pellets already have been honored during Parent and Family Weekend, which was Oct. 9-12, and are being honored again during the first-quarter break at the Homecoming game this Saturday.

The Student Alumni Association also has a tailgate party planned and a breakfast before the game for the Pelletts and past Families of the Year to attend.

Beth Pellet said on behalf of her family, “We think that this is a really neat honor.”