Minnesota senator to talk shop on local Iowa television show

Jeri Derrig

Minnesota Democratic Sen. Paul Wellstone will discuss the importance of reforming the Democratic Party on “Iowa News & Views” today at 6:30 p.m.

The Democratic Party was at its best when it focused on economic opportunities for all people and improving the standard of living in our country, Wellstone said.

“I think the Democratic Party has lost its way,” Wellstone said.

He said he thinks most people are concerned with economic issues, but the mix of money and politics is a problem.

Both parties are controlled by the same investors, Wellstone said.

Wellstone also said the policy platform of the Democratic Party has been weakened by the necessity to raise big money.

Wellstone said he wants to stop the race to raise money for political parties and to focus on the issues at hand.

“I think people in the country are not going to let Republicans or, for that matter, Democrats get away with not passing reform,” Wellstone said.

Wellstone emphasizes education as a way to deal with the nation’s problem of unemployment and poverty.

He also feels the education agenda will not be adequate as long as the republicans are dominating the Senate.

Wellstone was in Iowa advocating the Democratic Party to return to its roots while, at the same time, prospecting for the next presidential nomination race.

He has not yet revealed if he plans to run for president in the year 2000, but he is heavily considering it.

“High-tech, low-touch campaigns” are not what the nation will see, Wellstone said, if he decides to become a presidential candidate.

He does not approve of the manipulative, back-stabbing commercials candidates produce.

“Iowa News & Views” is a statewide cable television series produced in Iowa City. “Iowa News & Views” airs each week on cable and reaches nearly 350,000 homes.