Proof needed

Brent Safranski

I am not usually prone to reacting to letters printed in your opinion section to the extent that I would respond by writing a letter myself. However, Mr. Denis Bland’s ignorance, so boldly posted in the October 13 issue of the Daily, has prompted me to do so.

It amazes me that Iowa State would graduate someone with the complete lack of tact, wit and intelligence so as to attack a certain homosexual television star by childishly calling her Ellen “Degenerate.” Name calling does not a good argument make, Mr. Bland.

Our recent Iowa State graduate then goes on to attack National Coming Out Week and its activities at ISU, calling it a “celebration of sexual sin.”

He uses his Christian beliefs and values to attack homosexuality throughout the remainder of his letter, citing the Bible and rambling on about God and what God says. Not everyone is a Christian, Denis.

Where are the facts? All I am hearing from Mr. Bland is unsustained beliefs and opinions. How can you use these to prove the values and beliefs of others false?

Apparently a philosophy or logic course wasn’t part of your diploma or else you could establish a more valid form of argument.

God says homosexuality is a sin? God says that it is man’s place to be head of the household? I say prove it.

Brent Safranski

