
Brian Shirley and Tom Kook

To Jason Taylor, regarding your letter to the editor concerning Corey Moss and Vanilla Ice:

Since you were interested, and since you obviously do care about this issue, we both would like to say a couple things. We have enjoyed and look forward to more articles by Mr. Moss on Vanilla Ice.

In fact, you may be surprised to find out that there are more VIP fans on this campus than you think. To prove this theory, try playing his CD “To the Extreme” at full bore in a dorm room and see how many people stop to compliment the music.

We are sure you own the CD or tape version of this album, because by the sound of your letter, you appear to have an extreme case of Vanillaphobia, in which you are in a state of denial.

Admit it, Mr. Taylor, you secretly always admired the Ice Man, but always have been afraid of coming out as an Ice fan.

So please continue to express your opinions, but check your heart to make sure it is a true opinion.

By the way, the man turns 29 in four days — Oct. 31.

Brian Shirley



Tom Kook

