Who is to blame?

Teri Thiele

The last time I checked, alcohol consumption was a choice. The last time I checked, what people do to their bodies is their own fault.

The last time I checked, a “victim” is a person who is harmed by another. So why is it that Jared Kenyon is getting painted as the victim here? I don’t recall anyone hurting him but himself.

I don’t think that because one person chooses not to drink responsibly, everyone should suffer for that stupidity. I am sure he is not the first, nor will he be the last, person to do something so unintelligent.

I don’t recall anyone pouring vodka down Jared’s throat, nor do I recall Justin Potts or Kristopher Helling trying to stop him. I think that it is quite obvious who is the party at fault here. And unfortunately, they only got $145 fines.

Everyone talks about the “victim.” Poor Jared could have died. Well I’m sorry, but he is not the victim here.

While I understand it is illegal to buy alcohol for underage drinkers, I think we all know that trying to make an example out of this whole situation isn’t going to stop anyone else from buying for others. They KNOW that their friends won’t rat them out.

Sorry to be blunt, but this is not going to be a learning experience for anyone. You want to know what I have learned from this whole scenario? That if ever in this situation, telling the truth only gets you into more trouble.

So what’s going to happen next time someone drinks too much? Their friends will be too scared to call DPS. Next time someone may actually die.

I recently found out that some of my friends and I are supposedly on a “to watch list” in the hands of DPS. Why? Because I am associated with some of the people on the fifth floor of Larch. Excuse me, but I believe that I’m not in high school anymore, and I don’t recall seeing bars on my window. I feel like I am in jail, and it’s not fair. I don’t even know Jared, Justin or Kris.

I am afraid to think of who else will be affected in this situation. I think that these three need to get off their high horse; it isn’t making them look good. There was a quote in the paper by Justin saying he has the money, but would rather spend it on something else.

The only thing that I have to say about Justin Potts is … DUH!!! I’m sure that others facing thousand-dollar fines and jail time would rather be locked up and broke. You got off easy, boys. But I hope you live with the fact that you are responsible, no matter to whom you pawn the blame.

Teri Thiele


Pre-veterinary medicine