If it rocks, it’s pure online

Steve Juon

If Mancow’s Morning Madhouse and Megadeth are on your music venue, then you may have heard the motto: “If it rocks, it’s pure rock: Lazer 103.3.”

Now, not only can 103.3 be tuned in, it can be found on the Web with the latest in D.J. profiles, contests and music news.

“Even though [the site] is pretty intense, we’ve got really quick downloads,” site designer Missy DeYoung said. “The red, black and yellow keeps it poppin.'”

Lazer 103.3 hired DeYoung’s employer, Court Avenue Networks, to design and implement the site.

“I used to work at Lazer myself,” DeYoung said. “I decided to get out of radio and, as it turns out, I ended up designing their Web site.”

With a bevy of radio stations leaping at the chance to go online, DeYoung said the challenge is to remain interesting to your listeners.

“You’ve got to be unique and visually exciting,” DeYoung said. “With radio you’ve got the music aspect, with Internet you’ve got the visual side — it’s a great natural combination.”

With the first challenge of getting online out of the way, Lazer is focusing on the future of the Web site.

The Lazer site has been introducing new features including a popular link, rocknews.com.

“It’s customized for Lazer and provides the most updated music information available,” DeYoung said. “We’re looking into making local features available in five- minute download clips in RealAudio.”

They are also concentrating on upgrading contests and prizes.

“Our first promotion was with the Toys ‘R’ Us interactive video game site,” DeYoung said. “Sixty people signed up, which was pretty good for our first time.”

With all of the changes, Lazer listeners are not the only ones visiting the site.

Lazer’s site has been noticed on the West coast. Los Angeles D.J.s at the former KNAC 105.5 complimented the site and offered their support.

KNAC’s Web site, www.knac.com, is a tribute to a rock station that is no longer on-air but is searching for a new frequency.

“We’ve also had good remarks from local D.J.s and from our listeners,” DeYoung said. “The D.J. profiles are always popular, as is the calendar of events for concerts and tours.”

Lazer 103.3’s Web site is www.lazer1033.com.