Disregard for others’ lives

Editorial Board

Just when we thought people were being safer with sex …

Nushawn Williams, 20, learned he was HIV positive in September 1996, after infecting at least three women with the virus. However, he went on to knowingly infect at least six more women before January 1997.

Williams offered young women drugs in return for sex in Chautauqua County, N.Y.

He’s had sexual contact with at least 28 women since becoming infected with the virus. At least 70 people have been directly or indirectly exposed to the virus because of Williams.

He knew what he was doing, and he slept with these women even though he knew he was killing them.

Williams’ conduct is appalling. But, what were the women who slept with him thinking? Young women and teenage girls, some as young as 13, disregarded common sense by sleeping with Williams without knowing anything about him — all to get a fix.

Then they had sex with other men. Lots of them. As many as 53 people have had contact with HIV by having sex with Williams’ original 28 partners.

Do you see a pattern here? One extremely irresponsible man has sex with several irresponsible women who have sex with more irresponsible men. Now it’s no longer an isolated instance, it’s an epidemic.

What’s especially frightening about this is that it could happen at Iowa State as well.

Are there people like Williams at ISU? Probably. Sexual promiscuity is obviously still common in our society, and ISU is no different.

The question is, are we responsible enough to protect ourselves and others? Sexual promiscuity hasn’t gone away, and AIDS remains a big issue.

Don’t forget that. Take responsibility for yourself and others.