ISU tennis team swings into action

Vicki Larsen

The Cyclone women’s tennis team stepped up to the net last weekend in its first tournament of the fall season.

Iowa State finished strong on the final day of tournament play at the St. Louis Invitational. No. 3 singles player Kendra Leese placed third after defeating Emina Curic of the University of Chicago-Illinois 6-2, 3-6, 6-3.

“I always have a feeling about how I played. Whether I win or lose, I know if I played smart. That’s how I assess my individual play,” Leese said.

The invite was the first opportunity for the 1997-98 women’s players to display their talents so they could pinpoint skills they need to work on for the extensive spring schedule.

“We have been practicing now for four weeks, and since it was our first tournament, we have to take it in stride, but it’s a good measuring stick of how we are coming along,” Leese said.

She also said she thought the team played well at the tournament, noting the teams were tougher than last year’s competitors.

Leese said the women felt they did well in the weekend opener.

ISU’s No. 5 singles player Andrea Simons defeated Nina Sartz-Knudsen of Murray State 6-1, 6-2, for a third-place finish in her division.

Allison Arvizu took a first-place finish after defeating Angela Brooks, also from Murray State, 6-1, 6-1, in the No. 7 singles bracket.

“We had a pretty good tournament considering it was our first. It helps to get matches under our belt to get us ready for the spring season,” Cyclone swinger Mary Rumbaoa said.

She defeated Drake’s Amy Hanson 1-6, 6-2, 6-2 and Southeast Missouri State’s Vicky Wood 5-6, 6-3, 6-3.

“I started off slow at the tournament, but I had a good win the second day over a girl from Drake,” Rumbaoa said.

In the doubles competition, the Cyclone team of Rumbaoa/Simons took a second-place finish after being defeated by Bulldogs’ Huns/Kotchoubinskaya 8-2.

“It was our first time playing together, so considering that, we played pretty well,” Rumbaoa said.

The women resume play the weekend of Oct. 24 at the Drake tournament in Des Moines.