Responsibility for children

Editorial Board

Hidden video cameras caught parents kicking, punching, slapping and trying to suffocate children who were already in two British hospitals for injuries from suspected child abuse.

The abusive parents often switched to loving behavior the moment a doctor of nurse walked into the room.

One expert said these chilling finding should erase society’s denial about family involvement in fatal injuries to children.

Not only is child abuse a problem in the United States, but it seems to be a worldwide problem.

Another example is the current au pair trial. An au pair is a foreign girl who does domestic work for a family in return for room and board and the opportunity to learn the family’s language. The au pair was charged with the death of the young child.

Many older people ask, “what’s wrong with today’s generation?” If you go back to the next generation you may find the answer.

When bringing a child into this world parents need to take full responsibility for that child. Understandably there are unplanned pregnancies, but every human being should be treated with respect and have basic human rights, no matter what their age.

Parents need to spend time with their children instead of hiring au pairs, and only bringing their children out to use as ornaments for society.

Nor should they be the punching bags for their parents frustration.

Known of what was just stated is new, but sometimes adults and parents need to be reminded that they were children once, and that the children are our next generation.