Scraping the bottom of the barrel

Arthur Elzy

Andy Rooney of the television show “60 Minutes” once said that there will come a time when the medium that carries information will greatly surpass the information that is conveyed.

Recent reading of the Daily exhibit that Mr. Rooney was speaking not that far into the future.

My comments are directed towards Jayadev Athreya’s article “Basketball is in the Air.”

Never, ever, in a million years would I have guessed that Mr. Athreya would write an article saying that he predicts the Chicago Bulls will return to the NBA finals this season.

And who’s that Michael Jordan guy Mr. Athreya referred to? I have never read an article by Mr. Athreya where he has mentioned this Jordan character before.

It was yet another predictions/forecast sports article, and I thought it could not get any worst than that “Boccee Ball” article.

What an original topic. In the words of Paul Tatara, “that topic was thinner than Kate Moss after a good hurl.”

I think the Daily should offer a 12-step program for all of its readers — not only for the sports section, but also for some of those opinion articles.

Just when I thought that an opinion article was scraping the bottom of the barrel for ideas, the writer has seemed to have bought an even sharper scalpel to shave off another layer.

The only useful purpose I have found for the Daily is at the place I read it, the bathroom.

I hope that part of the money from the tuition hike goes towards making the Daily two-ply.

Arthur Elzy


Pre-mechanical engineering