Not down your throat

Chaka Allen

I wanted to start with the obvious. Obviously, we are on a university campus — an institution of higher learning where ideas can be explored and challenged. Obviously, when you have 25,000 people in one place, you will definitely have people that differ from each other expressing their views.

Obviously, everyone has at least heard of the Bible, and many people have had some interaction with it, whether it be through church, their grandma or their friends that go to church. Some people have even read parts of the Bible.

My question is this: Why, if we are at an institution of higher learning, do we consider a presentation of facts as a shove down the throat? Ted Wlaslowski’s article presented information.

He made no personal attacks. People have always wondered why homosexuality was not supported in the Christian church. Mr. Wlaslowski simply presented scriptures that relate to that fact.

Neither Mr. Wlaslowski nor any other person who believes in Jesus Christ can judge or condemn anyone. All we can do is present God’s word. If you believed that 1+1=3, and someone presented a proof from mathematics that 1+1=2, would he be shoving mathematics down your throat?

John 3:17 says, “For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.” Jesus didn’t come to make anyone feel like a heathen. He came for the specific purpose of getting us out of our negative situations and bringing us to something better. And, furthermore, only Jesus can save you … all I, Mr. Wlaslowski or anyone else can do is tell you how good Jesus has been to us and to present who Jesus is to you.

I conclude with a final message:

If someone hates you for being a homosexual, they are in the wrong. If someone hates you for not believing in Jesus Christ, they are in the wrong.

If someone hates you for drinking, smoking, having sex, skateboarding, wearing baggy pants and having dye in your hair, or whatever, they are in the wrong.

But a person doesn’t necessarily hate you just because they present scripture saying that some of those things you are doing might be against the word of God.

You don’t want to fail this test before you realize you need a tutor — this is the test of life.

Chaka Allen

Graduate student

Computer engineering