Giving children care

Editorial Board

Most of us are facing the stress of college life. Midterm time is here and everything is piling up. Our bank accounts are starting to show signs of dwindling finances for the remainder of the semester.

We need to work more to earn more money, but we don’t have time. It seems endless.

Most of us are unmarried and have no children. We don’t have to worry about the support and care of others in our everyday activities.

But there are some Iowa State students who are married and have children. And quite often, that adds to the stress of everyday college life.

Daycare is needed. But there’s a daycare shortage.

Besides, the daycare many student parents relied on is being ignored by the university.

The Pammel Court daycare is in a building that was originally intended as temporary housing after World War II. And it definitely has a concentration camp look to it. All the buildings around it have been torn down to make room for a new finance building. Along with old housing came down the Pammel Court daycare sign. Driving or walking by the area, you’d never guess a daycare exists back there.

But it does. And the university is ignoring the daycare by annually promising a new facility, but to no avail. All of this comes in the midst of the university supporting a new daycare at the Vet Med school.

Although a daycare at Vet Med is convenient, the Pammel Court facility, or more appropriately, the children there, should not be overlooked.

There are many student parents who live in university housing near Pammel Court who aren’t Vet Med students. It is convenient for them to have a daycare between home and campus.

But with dwindling funding from the university, it’s difficult for the Pammel Court daycare to support itself, the parents needing its services and, most importantly, the children who so desperately need the care.