Student Alumni Association recruitment numbers top 2,000

Emily Graham

This year, more than 2,300 Iowa State students have decided to try the benefits provided for student members of the Student Alumni Association.

Last year, the group’s first year, the SAA only recruited 780 members.

“It was like pulling teeth last year to get people to join. This year they are coming to us. It is so nice to see this program doing so well,” Michelle Moseman, SAA membership coordinator, said.

Moseman attributed the increase in members to the added benefits, new program ideas and the fact that the association is now in its second year.

“This year we decided to use a reusable membership/discount card instead of just coupons,” Moseman said. “Now when students find a place they like, they can continue to receive the discounts throughout the year.”

Along with the membership card, students also receive a free T-shirt and a SAA calendar, which would cost $10 at the book store.

Another option for student members of SAA is the career service network. The career service network is an on-line service which provides members with the opportunity to use alumni in their field of study for counseling.

Julie Larson, SAA adviser, said 2,500 alumni volunteer their time to speak with members of SAA about the city they are living in or the major they have chosen.

“They can let them know what kind of opportunities are available in the cities they are living in,” she said.

The career service network can be found on the SAA home page.

Sally Reiser, committee member, said more social functions are planned for the spring semester.

One event the committee would like to create is a basketball watching party for away games.

“This year we are focusing more on social events and less on the educational aspect,” Moseman said. “Last year we had educational programs and they didn’t go over so well.”

The tailgate before the Iowa/ISU game was just one of the events SAA sponsored.

Both Reiser and Larson said they expect the number of members to continue to increase for the next couple of years. After that, they expect the levels will plateau.

Students can still sign up to be student members by going to the SAA office in the Memorial Union.