A few opinions

Tim Thomas

I am a 1995 graduate of Iowa State, and as I can see it the Daily and its columnists have not changed since I left SCREW U University. I think just about every column I have read, except those of Robert Zeis, have been by people who have added to the degradation to the gene pool.

This is something my friends and I see as the dumbing of the United States and the world as a whole.

My circle of friends includes blacks, orientals, Mexicans, women, and as you all think, even evil WHITE MEN. I myself happen to be a white male, so now all of you can think up all kinds of psycho babble to spout at me.

We all agree with my interpretation of the Daily and its columnists. Race or sex has nothing to do with how someone thinks or how smart they are. In Ben Jones’ case, it has nothing to do with how stupid and uninformed one can be.

There are only opinions formed from experience and education.

When someone has an uninformed or false opinion because they think they should think a certain way because of their race or sex, or when people that say things just because they think they are rebels or some type of ’60s protester, then they are selling themselves short.

Ben Jones article about the Cassini probe is full of all kinds of crazy what ifs and false information. I don’t know Ben, but I hope for his sake he isn’t as pathetic as he seems. In another one of his articles, he wrote about his son being force-fed radioactive substances to see what was wrong with him.

Excuse me, Ben, but you didn’t have to have the doctors help your son. It was your choice to have the procedure done or not done. So quit acting like they forcibly grabbed your son and shoved this radioactive cocktail down his throat. If anyone is to blame it is you; you let it happen.

On the rest of the happenings at ISU: if everyone would just sit down with one another, have lunch together and sit by each other in class to talk truthfully about subjects logically without blaming someone, everything would be all right.

There will always be some percentage of people who will not like you for some reason, and you will never change their mind or their opinions. Just brush them off as people on the fringe of society, not the average person you will meet.

I probably shouldn’t have let all this stupidity bother me, but I care about people poisoning others with false and stupid articles that they pass off as being from an informed person.

I do not claim to be an expert on anything or be better than anyone. I am just a normal average American giving my opinion on articles and columns written in the Daily. But the opinions I have are my opinions: realistically looked at and formed. Don’t infect others with your opinions by stating them as truth.

Tim Thomas

ISU Alumnus

Class of 1995