Persuasive arguments and facts are best

Adam Frederick

I read the editorials every day. Many people write in with opinions varying from the Cassini probe to diversity on campus.

Some of these opinions I agree with and others I disagree with. I am tired of being told that I am ignorant, illiterate or afraid of change because I don’t agree with them.

The opinions I have, have been formed based upon the information I have received.

I have looked at the information and made a decision as to which side of the issue I feel is right. I will keep that belief until I find information that makes me feel the other side is better.

Writers, if you really want to persuade people to your side of the argument, do it with facts or persuasive arguments.

Don’t bash those who don’t agree with you, because like you, they also have their right to their opinion no matter how much you disagree with them.

Adam Frederick

