A conspiracy

Steve Borgman

Erik Gilbertson is correct about the Hawkeye conspiracy. It is a well-known, but seldom discussed, dirty secret that the Hawkeyes control most of the state of Iowa.

Most of this dates back to a secret deal cut when the state capital was still located in Iowa City.

When it was clear that growing populations in the western reaches of the state required that the capital move west, a cabal of lawyers and various legislators got together and formed a secret society which later became known (to those few who ever spoke of it) as the Iowa Club.

Ever since then, the members of the Iowa Club have ensured that fellow members would control key parts of the state government, including the legislature, the regents and, indeed, the executive branch. One day, the truth will come out and these evil conspirators will be driven from the state.

Steve Borgman

ISU alumnus

Class of 1983