
John Hosler

Wow! I haven’t been called so many names since junior high! Let’s see: ignorant, unknowledgeable, racist, sexist, homophobic, classist, racist and now homosexual?

Hello, my name is John Hosler, and I am, according to Angie Chipman and Jason Gross of the LGBTA, the new epitome of everything that is wrong in the world.

But I suppose I deserve all the names, don’t I? After all, I erroneously stated my opinion that homosexuals shouldn’t be considered a minority, as I don’t think a minority should be defined by the lifestyles of the people in it. Period.

I don’t recall slandering homosexuals or anyone else.

Then again, Mr. Gross DID say I was ignorant, so maybe I did. I have nothing against those who are different than me, and I refuse to defend my beliefs against the accusations of those such as Angie, who does have a grudge against those different than her.

She doesn’t like me because I’m a white male. Well, Angie, I have friends who are gay, and they don’t seem to mind who I am. Why do you?

Through your tirades against both myself and anyone else who might disagree with you, it is evident that your “liberated” minds are somewhat closed.

Am I to be your enemy now? Will you write more letters, send me e-mail or harass me further?

I’m actually proud that both the president and the vice-president responded to my letter, small as it was.

Though I once supported the LGBTA, I now grow suspicious of the real motives behind it. Their leaders are close-minded and quick to make judgements about people they don’t know.

You’re calling ME ignorant, Mr. Gross? Oh, get off your high horse. Calling me names won’t further your cause.

And as for you, Angie Chipman, I am shocked. You insult me by indicating that I can’t understand your complex language? If you want an intelligent and sophisticated debate with me, well then, bring it on.

But don’t pretend you are superior to me just because you think you’re right. The only queerness I am seeing is the fallacious nature of your ad hominem attacks. Don’t know what that means? I thought you were informed.

John Hosler

