‘Family Feud’ champion crowned in RCA commons

Catherine Conover

Survey says … Hoxie House is the winner.

Hoxie House in the Richardson Court Association captured the championship in the first Family Feud game held in the Maple-Willow-Larch Commons.

Shilling House placed second during the game, which was held Wednesday, Oct. 8, in the Maple-Willow-Larch Commons, while Miller House received 3rd place.

Eight five-person teams participated in the round robin tournament, Dawn Kanoski, special events chair for RCA, said.

“We did it last year with the [RCA] executives, and it was very successful,” LaRhonda Potts, a multicultural awareness representative for RCA student government, said.

RCA residents participated in designing the questions, Kanoski said.

The RCA student government designed a survey, which was given to the vice presidents of every floor in RCA to distribute, she said. The residents’ responses determined the “correct” answer to each question.

For instance, Potts said, if the question was “What do you do in the dens?” and the highest percentage of residents said “make out,” then that was the right answer.

“We didn’t have as many questions as we hoped to have,” Kanoski said.

Several more teams wanted to be in the contest, Kanoski said, but didn’t sign up in time.

Both Kanoski and Potts said the response to RCA’s Family Feud was favorable.

“We might do this again in the spring,” Kanoski said.

Potts said the RCA student government sponsors several events throughout the semester, including parties and a casino night. Such events are a way for residents to have fun and “relieve the stress of college life,” she said.

The winning teams were awarded gift certificates to area restaurants.

Kanoski expressed thanks to all who helped with and participated in the event.