Ignoring abused women

Rana Alexander

This week is a Week Without Violence, but it seems like the university and the Daily have forgotten. There was a vigil at Bandshell Park held by the YWCA on Sunday, but somehow this did not make the news.

This year alone, seven women have been murdered by their partners in Iowa and this week is meant to remember them and all of the thousands of women who die every year at the hands of men.

I do see that Alcohol Awareness Week has been advertised and I do believe that this is important, too. But more women are dying from battering than college kids are drinking themselves to death.

These battered women live their lives alone and they die alone. The complete lack of interest shown to these women by the Daily and this university is disgusting.

We ask why a battered woman does not leave her husband; it is because she does not know where to go and since no one wants to tell her that there are places, she cannot leave. These women are abused first by their partners, and then again by the system.

There are many activities going on at the university for this Week Without Violence. There are committees and vigils, and silent women will be placed on campus to show the number of women who have died in Iowa from domestic abuse.

For those who want to know what the Daily won’t tell you: there is another vigil being held on October 28 at Bandshell Park. This is sponsored by ACCESS.

Rana Alexander

