What really matters

Carl R. Schwichtenberg

I notice things now that I did not notice before. When I walk outside at night, I notice how bright the moon and stars are.

When I walk past a bunch a flowers by the sidewalk or on someone’s desk, I notice how good they smell and how wonderful the colors are. I see the beauty in life.

A few weeks ago my wife and I lost our baby girl. She was the world to me. We were six months pregnant when we lost her.

She had Turner’s syndrome, and there was nothing anyone could do for her. In the short time she was with us, she taught us a lot. I do not take life for granted anymore; I live it to the fullest.

In loosing a loved one, I not only realized the good there is in life, but my eyes were also opened up to the evil that is out there. Everyday I see selfishness, bigotry, hate and violence.

I think people need to open their eyes and realize how special life is and not waste time on petty things.

Does it really matter what the name of a building is?

Does it really matter whether you can have alcohol during a celebration?

Does it really matter what religion someone else is? Is it so important everyone else has your exact view point?

Does it really matter whether a football team wins or looses? And when the team does win, is it really necessary to cause such violence?

I ask myself things like this everyday. I see the news and I get angry. Why are people so ignorant when it comes to life?

It is so simple, you just need to take the time to sit down and think about what is really important.

I have lost a very special part of my life. I can never get that back. Nothing I do will bring my little girl back to me.

Don’t waste your life. Cherish every moment.

Carl R. Schwichtenberg
