Self-exams for breast cancer urged for college women

Emily Graham

With mid-term exams, papers and the other stresses that come with college life, most college women do not think about the most common form of cancer that could afflict them.

But this month, which is National Breast Cancer Awareness month, Planned Parenthood will inform college women that early detection of breast cancer can save their lives.

Krista Noah, manager of Planned Parenthood, 2530 Chamberlain St., said every woman is at risk for breast cancer.

“Over 70 percent of cases occur in women who have no identifiable risk factors,” she said.

Planned Parenthood gives breast exams with the first full exam for birth control and at yearly physical exams.

Vickey Gibbons, nurse practitioner at Planned Parenthood, said she stresses self-examinations to all her female patients even though they are offered by the clinic.

“Just because you are 18 or 19 doesn’t mean that you can’t get breast cancer or find lumps,” Gibbons said.

She said at least 50 percent of her patients are college students.

Although 80 percent of the lumps found are not cancerous, Gibbons stressed it is still important to find these lumps, too.

To help inform and remind more college women about breast self-examination, laminated brochures have been placed in most of the women’s shower stalls in Iowa State’s residence halls.

The pamphlets also explain how to give a self breast examination.

Gibbons recommended women check for lumps one week after their menstrual period.

She said the best time to check is when a women is in the shower.

To begin the self-examination, reach across the body with the right hand to the left breast.

Move the hand in a circular motion from the nipple outward with the pads of the fingers to feel the tissue.

Under the armpit should be checked as well.

Gibbons also said to look at the breasts in addition to checking them.

“Some of the lumps can be seen without the examination,” Gibbons said.

“It doesn’t hurt to start examinations early. Even if you aren’t technically at risk, it is important to know what normal breast tissue feels like so you do notice when something is not how it is supposed to be,” she said.

Planned Parenthood is America’s largest provider of clinical breast exams, she said.

“Every month is Breast Cancer Awareness Month here,” Gibbons said.

For more information or to make an appointment for a breast exam at the Ames Planned Parenthood of Greater Iowa, call 292-1000.