Music class teaches unique instrument

Kelsey Foutch

Many students have no idea what a carillon is, but a class beginning this spring dealing with the instrument will be offered at Iowa State.

A carillon is defined as a musical instrument composed of cast-bronze bells, ranging in size from 2 to 6 octaves.

Music 126 — Class Studies in Carillon, will be offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10 a.m. in Room 57 of Music Hall.

The full semester course is worth 2 credits and a prerequisite of Music 100, previous music experience or approval of the instructor is requested.

Dr. Tin-shi Tam, instructor of Music 118 and university carillonneur, said students will gain a basic understanding of the instrument and the ability to play it relatively well.

Tam said the instrument is rather easy to play, but the ability to read music and the basic understanding of music is needed.

The idea for the course originated as an extension of Music 118, outside interest and from Tam herself.

She said she has received only positive feedback so far from interested students.

The class has a quota of five or six students, but Tam said if interest in Music 126 is high enough, other times may be opened to accommodate students.

The course is experimental, but if successful it will be offered during the spring and fall.

There also is no applied music fee.

One event Tam is hoping will boost interest in the course is ISU’s 4th Annual Spring Carillon Festival, which will be held April 24-26. Prior to the festival, a competition will be held “to encourage the writing of original carillon compositions by young composers.”

“The hope is to get ISU students more involved in the festival and to encourage Music 126 students to use their knowledge of the carillon and participate in the competition,” Tam said.

The winner of the competition will receive a cash award of $500 and the chance to perform at the Spring Carillon Festival.

Tam will be serving as one of three judges in the competition.

Anyone interested in enrolling in the course needs to get a reference number from Tam and can contact her via email at [email protected].