Fine dining at Elwell’s

Kim Zangger

Bonjour, friendly folks. I trust you are all basking in post-winning enjoyment. My family came up for Homecoming last weekend. My mom saw an advertisement for a place called Elwell’s Chef’s Inn, and suggested we try it after the game.

Now, since the only thing I knew about Elwell’s was that it was out in the Boonedocks (get it, Boone, like the town) west on Lincoln Way, I decided to call the place to see if we needed reservations.

Our reservations were for 7 p.m., so naturally my parents wanted to leave my apartment at 6:25, because, “It’s always better to be early than late.”

The chauffeur dropped us off for valet parking … (Ok —ÿmy dad dropped us off at the neat circle drive by the entrance) and we ran into Tracy Williams. Wow! If he dines here, Elwell’s must be good. I congratulated him on the game and ventured into the coat room.

My parents aren’t drinkers, so it really surprised me when my dad said, “You’re 21 now, Kim. Have a drink with me.” Was this some kind of a test?

I wasn’t sure what to do, but on the request of my father, I ordered a $4.00 Toasted Squirrel based on the name alone. It turns out a Toasted Squirrel is a hand-blended ice cream cocktail with amaretto and cream de cocoa. Ice cream and liquor — a win, win situation.

Elwell’s has a warm and cozy atmosphere. It’s very large, and reminded my little brother of a hotel restaurant (without the hotel). As for me, I felt more like I was in a lodge.

Elwell’s is definitely older looking — I’m guessing from the 1970’s —ÿbut that’s part of its charm. The lighting was just right (for making shadow puppets); the candlelight added to the romantic ambience.

Our friendly server brought our appetizers by 7:45 pm. Now that I’ve acquired a taste for fine salad dressings, I can’t stop myself! Elwell’s has a delicious creamy garlic dressing. My salad was good — darn good — to the very last bite. My brother’s appetizer/main dish of breaded fresh cheese sticks for $4.50 soon followed.

After the Toasted Squirrel, bread (served with sour cream), French Onion soup and salad, I was almost too full for my main course — almost, but not quite.

At 8:15 p.m. my Baked Potato Chicken Parmigiana arrived. This consisted of strips of chicken breast covered with mozzarella and parmesan cheese, served over two baked potatoes for $6.25.

Now, it was a little dry, and I couldn’t see the chicken, but Elwell’s gets bonus points for having such a unique menu item. The baked potato was pretty good, but I would definitely order something else next time I go.

Perhaps I’ll try the Fried Chicken from the skillet for $9.95, or the New York Strip for $16.95. Actually, knowing my penchant for barbecue sauce, I’d probably order Elwell’s Barbecue Ribs for $12.95.

Elwell’s serves dinner seven nights a week and Sunday brunch from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. The brunch, I’m told, is fantastic. For under $15 you can enjoy an all-you-can eat prime rib buffet. Call 292-4454 for reservations or take your chances and stop on out 3 1/2 miles west at 6400 Lincoln Way (west of the old drive-in movie theater).

I would highly recommend Elwell’s for your next special occasion, like homecoming, a birthday, anniversary or just to really impress someone.

4 1/2 stars out of five.

Kim Zangger is a senior in advertising from Mt. Vernon.