Cinnamon adds spice to Cyclone softball line-up

Drew Harris

Spurred on by an enthusiastic Cyclone bench, the women’s softball team tallied five victories this weekend at the Iowa State Invitational.

Constant chatter from players standing on the edge of the dugout helped the host team win its last four games.

ISU’s sole loss came at the hands of Nebraska-Kearney on Saturday with a score of 11-5.

But on Sunday, the Cyclones bounced back to defeat them, 4-2 and 8-0.

The Cyclones swept the three games from Western Illinois, defeating the Westerwinds 5-0 and 2-1 on Saturday, and 7-1 on Sunday.

Leading the way for the Cyclone offense was sophomore utility player Cinnamon Gooding, who belted three homeruns in the six games.

Gooding downplayed her offensive production, but said it was a welcomed surprise.

Gooding said she doesn’t have any idea what she did differently this weekend but hopes the power surge continues.

More than her individual success, Gooding said she enjoyed the way the team played over the weekend.

“I was really happy. I know the team was really happy. It was a good weekend,” she said.

Senior outfielder Missy Danilson was also pleased with the team’s wins.

Danilson said Gooding’s offensive display was good to see in competition instead of in practice.

“She’s a great hitter. I was impressed with her. I would imagine we will see a lot more of her,” Danilson said.

ISU players were not the only ones happy with the tournament’s results.

“It was a great weekend,” Coach Ruth Crowe said.

“Other than one bad inning, we were really good the entire weekend,” she said.

Overall, ISU played well and all facets of their game improved. The offense came up with clutch hits, and the defense stepped up its play after making several errors in previous weeks.

“We started to hit the ball well and we came together as a defensive unit,” Danilson said.

Crowe said in addition to Gooding, senior Erin Woods and sophomore Jessica Polo helped carry the offensive load.

Last, but not least, the pitching staff only allowed a total of four runs in the five Cyclone victories.

The team played with an “air of confidence,” which was a major positive, Crowe said. She said the Cyclones played with true enthusiasm.

Danilson cited the team’s chemistry as a major factor in the team playing strong showing. “We get along great. We really gel well,” she said.

Danilson added that giving the young players a chance to play will help them for the spring season.

“They’re going to be a huge part of what this team does.

“We’re going to need them,” she said.

All in all, the tourney gave the women the opportunity to accomplish all of the team’s goals during the fall season.

Crowe agreed it was good for the freshmen to see some playing time to help them learn the system.

Gooding said the tourney success was a “step ahead for us” and a positive way to finish the fall season.

Crowe said the fall tournament is a good measuring stick for the team which “helps us evaluate where we are” and “prepares for spring.”

She said another benefit was that ISU played well in front of nine in-state high school recruits.

The team will continue to practice and work out this fall and will start spring competition on March 5 in Tampa, Fla., at the South Florida Tournament.