Fall Blood Drive to begin in MU today

Lisa Sinnott

Iowa State students can take a break between classes this week to help others by participating in this year’s Fall Blood Drive.

The 1997 Fall Blood Drive will take place in the Great Hall of the Memorial Union, Oct. 27-31, Monday-Thursday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Traditionally, ISU has one of the largest student-run blood drives in the nation.

This year’s goal is to reach 2,600 pints of blood.

“It’s going to be a challenge,” said Jay Joblinske, member of the blood drive.

Although many students may sign up to donate blood, Joblinske said the actual amount of successful donors is questionable.

He said despite the blood drive’s obstacles, members are excited about it.

For people who are afraid of donating, Joblinske said every pint has the ability to save three people. He also said the procedure is quick and easy.

Zoology students have the opportunity to gain extra credit for just showing up and trying to donate.

Jessica Vetter, a freshman in liberal arts and sciences, will try to donate blood for the first time.

She said she’s donating because it’s a good opportunity to get involved.

“I think everyone should help out when they have the chance … every little bit helps, and I hear that it doesn’t take long [to donate],” Vetter said.

To help get people involved, a sub or pizza party will be given to the top fraternity and sorority and the top residence hall floor that have the most participants.

The blood donated will be used in Waterloo, Des Moines, Omaha and other cities.

To donate blood, people must fulfill the following requirements: eat a decent meal before donating, weigh at least 110 pounds, remain off antibiotics 48 hours prior, be at least 17 years old and most importantly, show up.

Woman who use birth control pills are allowed to donate blood. Tattoos must be 1 year old, surgeries must have taken place six months to a year before the donation and any ear or body piercing is all right as long as it was done in a sterile environment.