Common courtesy

Chadd Mccaw

I am responding to Kelli Kenniker’s Sept. 22 letter called “Ridiculous self-expression,” which was about stinking Phish-heads.

What a narrow-sighted, ignorant busy-body. If you’ve got a problem with someone’s odor, say something. Don’t pick a group and then spread stories about them.

Have the backbone to look that person in the face and speak. Don’t you know anything? Didn’t your mom tell you that you can’t judge a book by its cover?

Common courtesy dictates that all people deserve the respect of being addressed as a person, to face those allegations, or whatever.

Do you think “those two” even read your letter? Are we feeling important? What did you hope to accomplish?

I am a Phish-head. I shower twice daily and use deoderant. All my Phish-head friends do similarly. If you’re going to trash someone, next time try to do it with a bit of maturity.

Mom and Dad are not around to slap your little hand or wash your little mouth.

Odor is not required for Phish-head status.

By the way, when odor accosts me, I say something, even when it’s someone with overwhelming perfume. I try to do it politely, but mention it just the same. The usual response is an opened window. Try it.

Chadd McCaw


Mechanical engineering