A cultural blend

Tim Edwards

I would like to express my opinion about the front-page article in Tuesday’s paper. The article was about the neighborhood of locals rejecting a Muslim mosque’s construction. I get the impression from the thoughts expressed by the neighborhood that they are against more than the construction of the mosque.

What gives the neighborhood the right to refuse another related religion structure in this town? There are so many Christian-related churches already. Why not add one more Godly structure to Ames’ cultural blend?

Did we ask the Native Americans who lived on this property first if they wanted Christian churches built here? Did we care about their beliefs or reasons when we thumped and bullied our religion on to them? Or about forcing our religion on others?

There are a lot of Christian churches in Ames to represent many of the Christian beliefs. However, not everyone is Christian. I believe the saying goes, “Do unto others as you would wish they do unto you.”

Also, our country’s charter of rights states that we are entitled to “freedom of religion.” I believe that means anywhere and in any place in the United States of America.

A point that one of the neighbors had was that having the mosque in the neighborhood would bring the value of the property down. I ask you, if that were a Christian church, will it bring the property value down as well? I think not.

If you want to voice your concerns about this issue, please be honest to what you truly mean and believe, instead of hiding behind pathetic concerns. Beyond that, all men and women should be created equal despite their religious and ethnic background. Enough said.

Tim Edwards
