ISU to play host to African grad students

Daily Staff Writer

African graduate students from 14 universities around the United States are coming to Iowa State University this weekend for the announcement of the 1997 World Food Prize.

The graduate students, including five from ISU, are utilizing this weekend as a chance to discuss food and development topics in their homeland.

Stan Johnson, ISU’s vice provost for extension, said the program gives students an opportunity to discuss these topics with leading experts in food security and agricultural development.

These experts are all working on African programs and will be coming to Ames Saturday after attending the World Food Prize Symposium held in Des Moines on Friday.

The main topics of discussion will be private-sector growth and development of science and education for food in sub-Saharan Africa.

The activities will begin at 9:30 a.m. in the Scheman Building on Saturday. A lunch, campus tours and a reception are also scheduled for the day.