Looking back at stupidity

Robert Collins

I find it appalling that today’s Iowa State students find it necessary to vandalize their football field, their Lake LaVerne, their campus street signs and anything else damaged during Saturday’s victory display.

As a 1992 ISU graduate, I watched President Jischke deal with Veishea riots, campus vandalism and violence and other random acts of stupidity.

Your faculty and administration shouldn’t need to deal with these things. They’re at ISU to provide all of you with the best education possible. Nothing more.

I may need to reconsider giving to the university if my money is going to be wasted on matters such as this.

Trust me, you’ll look back at your time at ISU in ten years and finally realize what I mean. So, how about finding another avenue as an outlet?

Volunteering might work. Or, how about just having some good clean fun? Many alums will thank you for saving the few traditions still left!

Robert Collins

ISU Alumnus

Class of 1992