Supporting student journalists

Josh White and The Management Desk

As the Management Desk of The Michigan Daily at the University of Michigan, we summarily abhor any and all attempts to limit or constrain the efforts of student journalists and student newspapers across the nation.

As an independent student newspaper with a 107-year history of editorial freedom, the Michigan Daily thankfully is not vulnerable to the reprehensible attacks that the Iowa State Daily now faces at the hands of the Ames Daily Tribune.

But to imagine a professional newspaper making an attempt to thwart the practices of a legitimate student voice not only hits directly at our core, but sickens and saddens us deeply. The fact that the Iowa State Daily encroaches on the revenue-making ability of a professional newspaper should be applauded, not lambasted. The fact that students are excelling in a professional manner should be a beacon for student newspapers the nation over.

Instead, dollars have taken over for reason and ethics. It is horrible that a professional journalist who has received the most coveted recognition this industry awards, who was the leader of a large and respected news organization and is, of all things, a teacher, could so undermine the efforts of his own students.

For young adults who wish to someday enter the field of journalism, Mr. Gartner is setting a horrendous example. His attack on the Iowa State Daily and the students who work to produce it says miles about his priorities and his lack of respect for the profession.

We, as student journalists and future colleagues, pledge to fight these improprieties and will not sit by quietly as student journalism is so blatantly and ridiculously attacked.

Josh White

Editor in Chief

The Michigan Daily

Management Desk

The Michigan Daily

A response about Catt